June 23, 2009

Misselling to The Layman

The existence of the word misselling is a contradiction, some say it means selling something by describing the wrong attributes, and others say the word doesn’t even exist. So let’s start by defining misselling, i would personally define it as falsely convincing a potential customer about non existent features or by hiding negative side effects.

This post is not an intellectual attempt on dissecting the cons of organized advertising and marketing. There are certain things that we notice everyday yet fail to question. Doctors selling steroids as eco-friendly, healthy medicines. Water filter companies selling inefficient filters with the so called quality certifications which supplements the bad performance. The examples can go on and on.

The reason for writing this post is that, i saw someone wearing the latest collection of a popular men’s wear brand. The dress looked superb on the bollywood hero and even had a touch of class to it, but the same apparel on the layman looked downright ugly. Iam pretty sure this poor guy would have fallen for the ad campaign featuring the dress as a breakthrough, This should also be classified as misselling, these advertisements should come with statutory warnings like the "COSTUME ON DISPLAY LOOKS GOOD ONLY FOR CERTAIN BODY SHAPES AND SKIN COLORS"

These warnings should be legally enforced on all apparels, cosmetics, energy drinks etc. The layman should not be confused between drama, glamour and the actual use of the product. The advertising industry should have the guts to market the product with ordinary man stressing on their product quality rather than the brand ambasssadors financial well being. Only when the product feautures gets highlighted and stands out of the brand endorsers shadow misselling can be stopped.

Atleast only then will i see adults trying to look young in bush shirts made for teenagers. Advertising has become a medium motivated by sex and glamour. What does a scantly clad rusiian women got to do with bathroom sanitaries, it is another thing to use her for a lingerie ad. And the latest trend in advertsing is by exploiting the innocent feautres of a child, it is so evident in telecom, banking, insurance and anything that needs a hidden agenda to sell.

The hypocracy of speculative stock aarket products is so evident in their advertisements where the part with the kid and women is slow and sweet and the part where they say "Mutual funds are subject to market risks........" rushed through like a lightning. Lets open our eyes and see this dram for its true colour and shade.

Unfortunately iam in a very sarcastic and argumentative mood, forgive my prejudice and leftist arguments.


1 comment:

  1. hmmm...... u r a commie.....

    i like ad's .... infact i love some ad's more than the programs which it interrupts...

    ads are meant to be visually appealing and generally enjoyable....

    """The advertising industry should have the guts to market the product with ordinary man stressing on their product quality rather than the brand ambasssadors"""

    Have u seen the govt ad's with laymen describing the products... in Doordarshan ...

    noone gives a shtit for those stupid ads

    """What does a scantly clad rusiian women got to do with bathroom sanitaries"""

    i for one would love to see a russian chik in a ingerie .... not just in bathroom sanitary .. but also .. in telecom,detergent,toothpaste ...and what not .. even insurance ads :D he he ......

    oh and about ... ""Mutual funds are subject to market risks......"" bit ....

    welll do you have any idea how bloody expenisve the time slots are ...

    BUT I AGREE WITH U FOR AN EXTEND ... U ARE spot on .. in some areas.....

    but u missed the best part out....... the "fair and lovely ads" .. the skin whitening creams....... lolz...... thats the most funny thing i've ever seen .... the way they darken the models.... for the "before photo" .. its so stupid... "

    anyways ..... nice thread comrade :P

    its good to have the dumb blogger back :D

