How can we be humans with all this cruelty, prejudice, hatred and above all the indifference, the feeling that as long as we are not affected it’s OK? It really amazes me to see all the inhuman brutality by humans on other humans; it makes me wonder whether this is the same kid with the sparkling eye's and the innocent smile.
How can he grow up to be so indifferent, to inflict so much pain, to kill without a blink of an eye, where did we go wrong. Is it the careless upbringing, the biased society or the huge difference in financial wealth. We can blame the criminal politics, the systematic religious vote banking, and the conceited caste system.
It really baffles me how men can kill a fellow human being for such simple things like a traffic brawl to a property border dispute. How religion which is supposed to bring discipline, unity, promote kindness is misinterpreted to take lives. We have to surrender to the universal conclusion that all religions are good by principle but it is the follower who takes advantage, who misinterprets and comes into his own selfish conclusions. Have you heard of any religion preaching ethnic cleansing or any society impartially subjugating a sect, caste or creed.
Humans have killed more humans than tobacco, reckless driving, coronary diseases, malignant cancers and hungry stomachs combined. And we sit in front of our LCD screens, flickering picture tube screens, tilting computer screens and criticize and advocate breast cancer campaigns, anti tobacco advertisements and promote safe driving. Before all this we have to educate humans, nurture kindness not policing, not screening and not even useless debating. We have to promote compassion, explain empathy and bring up universal love.
We don't want radical preachers telling us whom to hate, whom to subjugate, whom to rent our properties, where to teach our children and even what to think. Let us wake up to the realities of life, the stark naked authenticity's of everyday living. Let us not be stopped by the sanctimonious grin of the better followers, and the derogating comments of the true believers. Wake up people, let us live us humans for a change.
Nice Post.. Couldnt agree with u more.. And the timing was good as well.. in the wake of the attack on the Sri Lankan cricketers.. Well i guess.. we live in a world where there is mutiny, death and murder, every other day...
ReplyDeletei know when a nation worshipping cricket decides to attack a bus full of cricketers, the signs have become too evident. the brutality has gone to our blood, cant even predict who, when and where the next attack will be.
ReplyDeleteDarwin was right after all.