September 2, 2009

Endless Dreams, Countless Aspirations !!

I guess i have to start with the statutory explanation on why i have been off from the already rare blogging scene. This time i have no explanations no theories and even short of new excuses, i have been lazy, constantly procrastinating and lack the initiative to post the countless drafts online. If i had been a writer i would call this phase a writers block (stop grinning).

I have been traveling on and off for the last few weeks some on pretext of job, some looking for peace and redemption. What have i attained, nothing in particular but a sense of serene existence. At least in some front things are looking good, i have been able to complete some really compelling non fiction writings. Off late have been developing an affinity towards travelogues detailing adventurous journeys and eye opening conversations. Off the very few people who are compelled by nagging facebook and orkut alerts don't visit these pages for weekly escapades of a wannabee blogger. So whats disturbing me off late, whats the hypocrite in me concerned about.

62 years of independence and where do we stand, what is our testimony to time bygone. I know iam 2 weeks late to make the post look relevant and appropriate, why shout louder and be absorbed in the crowd when you have a chance to howl alone ( i was trying to convince you on my late post). Where have we reached, is the title of being the largest democracy self serving. Can we still call it democracy when the ruling party has just polled 10% of the total votes in the mangled system called coalition governments. Can we still be called democratic when family politics and sycophantic hero worship rule the national front and to a larger extend in some state fronts. Are we secure and safe when we have Maoist uprising in considerable parts of the country.

Its true that the leadership at the helm are experienced with admirable credentials and considerable track records. But don't you think we have reached no where in our path to being a self sustaining developed economy. ( not getting into macro economics) Look at our infrastructure, does it really take so much to have good roads and clean drinking water.
Cant we get it right at least once, remove the gluttonous middle men and do a quality work something which will stand the test of time. Some of our best bridges and remote roads date from the imperial era, even if their intentions were to plunder their means to it were uncorrupted.
We champion NREGA when it should have been implemented 50 years ago in a socialistic ideology dominant government(better late than never)

If you have been noticing how we have been dealing with a terrorist caught on tape brandishing automatic weapons and killing some of our most respected officers, we will understand the need to have a social awakening. No iam not criticizing our last beacon of hope the Judiciary, but isnt it too much to take a year to declare justice for a crime so disturbing questioning our pride. I cant come to terms with people who profess this as an act of civilized justice, it is already so evident about the crime and its perpetrators lets not delay justice anymore. Our press branded it as our 9/11 and yet is this how we deal with something that shook our nations integrity.

I know we have a robustly growing economy in the midst of global meltdown, that our scientists are scheduling a moon trip and the west look at as the elephant rising from a slumber ready to take on the Chinese dragon. We have to do more act faster and implement quicker to win this race, lets not be daunted by the distance and enjoy every moment of this journey.

Jai Hind


  1. Question really arises whether the current parliamentary system makes sense, which is the root of all these problems you have ever so eloquently articulated, personally I prefer the American System which is perfect for a diverse country as ours unlike the tight lipped brits, but I am afraid the concrete has set, and this country no other option but chug along!

    Are Indians ready for a sea change, where language, caste, religion, race, region, ethnicity takes a back seat, can India become a true secular state where not only the law, but also the society is also secular. Are Indians ready to be France?

  2. I disagree... I think the article was inspiring but an American system wont work in our country because we are too many people with too many opinions. I think our democracy is the only 1 in the world which has a voice even for the minority... America on the other hand dont even have a Left Party! They look down on Communism and yet in our Country we witnessed the Coalition of the Communists and the Liberal Congress... We have the rules, the laws, the constitution... What we lack is purely the will to implement... Timely implementation and faster hearings are important. Procastinationn is the evil plaguing our nation (and Ahem! The author of the blog! hehe) but we need more awareness, respect for our diversity and the need to create development for people, for Indians regardless of caste, sect. language, religion etc. And yes, DOWN WITH CORRUPTION!!!
