November 18, 2008

Some Stupid Ideas to Irritate Tele Sales Executives

One thing that we all have in common other than Gmail accounts, orkut profiles, mobile phones and hatred for Shreeshanth and Himesh Reshamiya is being annoyed by Tele-sales calls. These range from selling credit cards to holidays, discount vouchers to club memberships, diet foods to cargo service what and what not. The worst thing is that they always have a knack in calling at the wrong time either while driving, eating lunch to talking to a customer or worse even when you are taking a sweet afternoon nap. Unless you are a tele-sales agent yourself everyone out there will agree with me. I have come across some really interesting ideas to irritate these callers, some are really stupid and others are worth a try.

1) Try selling them something of yours when they make this call, i.e i am interested in your credit cards but you will have to buy my home made prawns pickle first and these come in a case of 10 bottles heheheh. Be persistent in your sales pitch and see how annoyed they can be. (tried and tested )

2) Tell them how busy you are right now and ask them to leave their mobile numbers so that you can call them when they are having dinner. (yet to be tried)

3) Cut the phone when you are talking, this is a super cool idea, when they call back you can always annoy them by saying " Is this how your company has trained you, how dare you cut the call when iam talking, connect me to your manager let me have a word with him , this new generation kids no manners at all " hehehehe this can be hilarious

4) Tell them how you rally don't need that card or holiday or health food by bragging about your bottomless bank balance, month long private island tour and the six pack abs you flaunt at the beach. The more exaggerated the stories are the more irritating it will be.

These are just some stupid ideas and you will obviously have many more so don't hesitate to share them. But the irony out here is that we are the global back office employing millions to operate call centers for international customers world over. This article has been inspired by some readings over the net with some personal additions ( creatively plagiarized).

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